Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

If you have a problem with proof of operational technical requirements for your equipment, “SIGMA-M” can provide you with the necessary engineering consulting services for:

— confirmation of the performance of technical requirements for the equipment with carrying out a complex of works for the equipment supplied for the energy industries (including nuclear energy), railway transportation and other basic industries:

  • electromagnetic compatibility (EMC);
  • resistance to seismic actions (SA) and mechanical stress (MS);
  • resistance to climatic influences and “stringent conditions” (SC) operation;
  • radiological resistance to ionizing radiation of natural and artificial origin;
  • requirements of reliability;
  • requirements of safety and other specifications for the equipment.

— assessment of technical documentation for the equipment to ensure compliance with the technical requirements according to DSTU (harmonized c International standards series IEC, CISPR, ISO and EU standards series EN ENV, ETSI EN et al.), International Standards, European Union standards GOST R and development of technical proposals to address deficiencies;

— development of technical requirements for the equipment, ensuring the implementation of DSTU (harmonized c International standards series IEC, CISPR, ISO and EU standards series EN ENV, ETSI EN et al.), International Standards, European Union standards, GOST R, taking into account the operating conditions and equipment placement at the facility;

— organization works to validate the technical requirements for equipment;

— development specifications, methods testing procedures, reports, etc.;

— assessment of technical standards for the equipment at the acceptance of commissions;

— organization of the technical requirements of EMC test equipment, SA, MS, SC and other performance specifications;

— carry out works for the qualification of equipment supplied to Zaporizhzhya, Rivne, South-Ukraine and Khmelnytsky NPPs;

— conformity assessment of equipment requirements of technical regulations or conformity assessment Declarations equipment requirements of technical regulations;

— development of the «Declaration of conformity equipment» with the technical regulations and the composition of the technical documentation for the Declaration.